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Home » » Involving in the Bo Xilai’case,the volunteer named Yang Xiuqiong of 64tianwang has been released after 10days under criminal detention

Involving in the Bo Xilai’case,the volunteer named Yang Xiuqiong of 64tianwang has been released after 10days under criminal detention

Written on 2013年9月10日星期二 | 10.9.13

[ 时间:2013-09-10 22:39:12 | 作者:Huang Qi | 来源:64tianwang ]
Time:2013-09-05 21:55:01  Author:Huang Qi  Translator:Esther  sources:64tianwang Chinese

【Tianwang,Si Chuan news2013-09-05】Tonight at 21 o’clolck,a right defender from Mianyang,and also a volunteer of 64Tianwang called Yang Xiuqiong,came to the humanitarian affairs center of 64Tianwang to describe the situation of her release under criminal detention and express her gratitude towards friends at home and aboard for their concern.

It's known that on september 25th,the policemen of the domestic security detachment of Mian Yang have asked Mr.s Yagn for several times about her signture in the letter of Appeal on Bo Xilai's cese after sended her away under escort.They warned her firmly that all levels of the government took her case into consideration and already spent hundreds of thousands on it.Now,Huang Qi has been caught by the public security organs,there was nothing she could do but make a full confession of her crime.Yang Xiuqiong pretended to be aware of nothting.

Soon afterwards,the guys were investigation her 24h continously in turn,trying to know how she get fooled to join 64tianwang as a volunteer,and it's staff and the structure.Yang Xiuqiong responded it with one answe:I don’t know.

In the afternoon of September 4th,the policemen investigated Yang again,and tried to persuad her to writte the recognizance to break off with Huang Qi.Yang answered:You are from the domestic security detachment,and your shpere of influence is all over the country,you can simply block the site of 64tianwang and arrest Huang Qi since they’re hostile forces for you.For the respond,the policemen said:there exist foreign and inside-the party influence support 64tianwang,and you civilians get yourself fooled by them in donating money or daily nessicities to Huang Qi,us policemen can’t deal with that.

Today at about 15o’clock in the afternoon,the policemen went to the Mian Yang local police station and they didn't insist to make Yang to writte the recognizance,when they turned the notice of criminal detention to security detention of 10days,Yang has written over ten's <innocent>in a row as her signature.

Tonight at 21h 50,Yang Xiuqiong has expressed deeply her gratitude to the friends inside and outside the system who gave her assistance during the detention and to the medias like the British Daily Telegraph,Taiwan Central broadcasting station and the Radio Free Asia which really have concerns about human rights in China.

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