1998年10月,黄琦和曾丽等创立了中国第一家专业寻人机构[天网寻人事务所],99年创办中国第一家寻人网站[天网寻人],该站也被称为六四天网、天网呐喊网站。在不长的时间里,帮助两百多个离散家庭得以团聚.黄琦冒着生命危险亲自带队解救王某某等7位农村被骗少女,并为维护七少女合法权益不懈努力。[天网]的大量事迹被人民日报、中央电视台、新华社、CNN,BBC,ABC,RFA,纽约时报、美联社、路透社、法新社、华盛顿邮报、法国电视台、德国之声、法兰克福评论报等数千家海内外著名媒体广泛报道和高度赞誉。人民日报称赞天网 "链接了千万人的情感", 北京青年报称这是中国《1999 九大网事》,华西都市报称《[天网]寻出人间真情》,深圳商报称《寻人事务所:用爱和泪水来经营》,深圳特区报称《天网寻人,圆万家团圆梦》,四川公安厅《警苑》称《万家团圆是我的心愿》。


2000年3月31日,中国当局查封了天网网站。4月15日,在一家美国网络服务提供商的帮助下,天网网站重新开张。在继续开展寻找走失人员和为弱势群体维权呐喊呼吁的同时,还公开呼吁平反六四、呼吁停止侵犯人权和进行政治体制和司法体制改革的文章。2000年4月28日,在接受美国记者MICHAEL DORGAN赴成都专访时,黄琦说:“我完全清楚我的未来,不是地狱,就是监牢。”


黄琦被捕后,引起世界广泛关注,美国国务院及美国科学进步协会、记者无国界组织、人权观察、美国保护记者委员会、全美学自联数百家国际组织发表公开声明和多次致函江泽民、胡锦涛要求中国政府释放黄琦。而海外华人社区开始用“中国维权运动”一词,形容这类社会行动。同时,中国国内大批人士也公开呼吁立即释放黄琦和停止对天网的封杀.北京女大学生刘荻等人曾因在《柿油派网虫集体向党和政府投诚》中,公开表达"与黄琦共进退的决心"而受尽迫害.中国驻美国、加拿大等国海外留学生和一大批真正关心中国民主人权的世界友人也设立了Help Huang Qi 援助难搏BBS,从经济上和道义上支持入狱的黄琦和家人达5年之久.

2006年4月19日,记者无国界负责人再赴中国会晤黄琦并预祝天网重开。4月28日,六四天网公布了上世纪由黄琦率领天网同仁拉开的89死难者周国聪索赔案取得初步成功的重大消息。 2006年6月4日,天网负责人黄琦荣获中国人权青年奖。
自1998年以来,天网取得了《星夜营救受害7少女》、《见证中国最大的民间维权案件》、《中国第一个89死难者索赔成功》、 《中央下令关闭花垣矿井 公安严查30条枪》等数百人权案件的成功。

【About CTWHS 关于我们】
[time:2013-10-10 13:36 Author:CTWHR Translator:Esther souces:64tianwang]
In Oct.1998,Huang Qi,his spouse Zeng Li and others have established the first professional tarcing agency in China:Tianwang Tracing firm.One yeat later,it's website has been established,i.e. Tianwang Tracing,also known as 64Tianwang and Tianwang screams.In a short time,it helped over 200 famillies to find their lost relatives.Huang Qi has even risked his life to save 7 rural girls who have been cheated and tried his best to defend their rights with his team.A large number of Tianwang's deeds have been wide reported and highly acclaimed by People's Daily,CCTV,Xinhua News Agency,CNN,BBC,ABC,RFA,New York Times,Associated Press, Reuter, Agence France Presse, Washington Post, French Television station, die deutsche welle, Frankfurt commentary newspaper and so on.People's Daily praised Tianwang:has connected thousands of people's emotion.Beijing Youth Daily said it was 1999 nine main cyber affaires in Chinese version.
In 1998,Tianwang had started it's social gratis rights defender activities,and have lots of cases of success.Meanwhile,Tianwang had published lots of articels of anticorruption,standing by the side of Falungong members human rights,and took initiative to reveal the fraude of Jiang Zemin's relatives,appealing on releasing the dissidents like Anjun and Ma Zheyuan.Tianwang was not only qualified as the first website in China which stood by the people side,and also been certified as the first human rights defend website in China by some international authorized organizations such as human rights observation,international reporters protection association,and Amnesty international.
At the end of 1999,Tianwang took the initiative to reveal ,the scandal has been widespread reported.The premier minister has made his instruciton to stop the crime which involved more than 200000 peasants.It eradicated similar incidents from happening again,from now on,this case has been considered as the most successful,the most influencial and the fastest resolved civil rights case of the last century.
In Feb.2000,the former offcial of Sichuan Security Bureau Bu Zhanping and others went to Tianwang Humanitarian Affaires center and had conflict with Huang Qi,for cover for their superior who has been alleged corrupt.Huang Qi got hurt.On March 22,2000,Huang Qi took initiaitve to reveal the death by force of a member of Falungong,called Chen Zixiu in of Tianwang.He commented:we’re against any acts of violating the human rights.
On March 31 2000,Tianwang has been shut down by the Authority.On April 15,with the help of an ameriacan website suppliar,Tianwang has reoppend.They continue to publish the articles about vindicating June 4,stop violating the human rights and excersing political and judicial system reform.On April 28,2000,in an interview with an american reporter Michael Dorgan,who made a special for Chengdu,Huang Qi made him clear:I see exactly the future ahead of me.I’ll eitehr be in Hell or in jail.
On May 31,2000,after preparing half month,Tianwang has published an article about defending the victims of June 4,entitled of .This article and the infernal photo of a victim,called Zhou Guocong excerced an enormous influence in home and aboard,and always have been published in Tianwang till this day.Meanwhile,the workers of 64tianwang had planed a further claims programme for Zhou's mother,ultimately,Zhou's mother had accomplished the first step of a victim's of June 4 of the successful claims with the help of the friends!
On June 3,2000,i.e. The previous day of June 4,Huang Qi has been under arrest for standing by the side of june 4,activists and Falungong members.He posted the latest update:the road has been too long.I hereby express my gratitude to all of you,they’re coming,my trusted friends,goodbey.On May 9 2003,the Intermediate court in Chengdu had made the sentence:Huang Qi has been sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment for incitement to subverb the state power.The second trial upheld.
After Huang's imprisonment,Zengli kept working with the volunteers of Tianwang,and finally gained the dominant society's support.On June 5 2000,CCTV made a special tirp to Chengdu to make an interview with Zengli,and made a positive report and propagandized Tianwang tracing Agency.
On Dec.23 2000,in the Great Hall of People,Zengli has been awarded the honor by the Party and it's leaders.
After Huang Qi's arrest,the U.S.department of State,AAAS,Reporters without frontieres,human rights watch,the U.S Committee to protect journalists and hundrads of international organizations had made public statement and repeatedly written to Chinese Gov.to release Huangqi.At the same time,the oversea Chinese Community started to use the term:Chinese Rights Defense Campaign to discrib it.Meanwhile,lots of famous people in home called for the release of Huang Qi.A student called liu Di in Beijing has been persecuted after making an annoucement of supporting Huangqi.A lot of oversea students in US and Canada have created a blog named BBS to help Huang's relatives morally and financially for 5 years.
CPJ has made a special annual report in 2000 to praise that Tianwang was the first human rights defense website in China.On April 4,during a conference called computer freedom and privacy,hundrads of experts from all over the world called for paying attention to Huang Qi.On June 2004,the Journalists without frontier said:we consider that Huang is a symbol of freedom of speech.He’s very bolt and a typical representative of cyber dissidents and awarded Huang Qi jointly with the fondation de France Medeal of Liberty.
On June 4 2005,Huang Qi has been released.He told a little inside story and swor to reestablish the 64tianwang during an interview with BBC,RFA and DW.Huang Qi has various diseases ridden such as brain atrophy and rheumatic heart diseas for he was persecuted and beaten up in jail,but he's still fighting for the civil rights and revealing the corrupted officials in the case of illness.
On April 19,2004,the responsible of Journalists without frontiers made a special trip to Chengdu to meet Huangqi and celebrated the reopenning of Tianwang.On June 4,2004,Huang Qi has been awarded by the Chinese human rights youth award.On Dec.31 2006,64tianwang has been reorganized into CTWHR,i.e.the first comprehensive human rights organizaiton.Central Broad Casting of Taiwan said it's a huge step of Chinese human rights.In the early 2007,Huang Qi was awarded by the Hellman Hammet Award and at the end of the year,he was warded by China's Culture Prize of the Press Freedom Award.
On June 10 2008,Huang Qi has revealed the jerry-built project in Wenchuan and got arrested by the Authority.Later he was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment.
In 2009,when Huang Qi was serving the sentences in Sichuan third prison,he was award by the 6th Wei Jingsheng,China's democracy fighter awards.On June 10,2011,he's out of the jail.3days later,at the invitation of local people,he went to Chengdu to reestablish Tianwang.and started to the large-scale work.On Dec.2012,he was re-award by Hellman Hammet award.
There's no dout that thousands of the successful cases with the home-aboard medias have recorded together the truth.Tianwang was the first comprehensive human rights organization in China that have been qualified including the Chinese Gov,which is the most influencial,has the maximum volunteers who's been through the labor in jail and the most sucesseful human rights organization.
On Aug.2013,Huang Qi has been award by the China's Progress Award.