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The three secretaries of Chengdu maintaining the stability in country:don’t let Huang Qi fool you

Written on 2013年6月4日星期二 | 4.6.13

[ 时间:2013-06-04 19:17:20 | 作者:Bo Hui | 来源:64tianwang ]

Li Hong’s father got beaten up to comminuted fracture

Li Hong’s family’s hundreds of thousands of hard-earned money have been detained for enquiries (Qinghai government rejected the complaint of representatives of the migrant workers after the Yushu earthquake)

National Public Radio watching Lihong’s family’s disaster

Author:Bo Hui  Translator:Esther  Sources:64tianwang

{From Sichuan 2013-05-29}Tonight,Li Hong,a farmer-entrepreneur from Shuangliu county,Chengdu province,{Li Hong the farmer-entrepreneur from Chengdu,her house has been excavated by the local authorities three holes}has called the center of humanitarian affaires of 64tianwang:there are three secretaries come to home to maintain the stability and warn us not to be fooled by Huang Qi.

According to her,today at about 11o’clock in the morning,the secretaries Zhou Kailing,Feng Chunren from Jiujiang town and Peng Xiaokai from Zhou Jiachnag community came to home to maintain the stability.Mr.Zhou said that my mother should not go too far but dealt with in the range of Shuangliu policy issues for she’s in poor health;do not belive Huang Qi who’s against the Party.Don’t let him fool me.

Mr.Zhou cited an example:there’s an another petitioner who,moved to the community for petition and got finally more than 100000yuan;nevertheless,her relatives and friends despise her.He will put the disc to us later.

Finally,my mother indicated that she will continue petitioning in Beijing for her own rights.

According to people familiar with the matter,the authorities has innovated the bootstrap method in order to prevent the petitioners to 64tianwang by means of middleman fee;besides,the descants can be arranged to be the civil servants,the presupposition is not to reveal the truth in 64tianwang,for Huang Qi is the object suppressed by government.

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