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A secret meeting held in Hu Bei:crush the petitioners down is not an individual delinquency

Written on 2013年6月4日星期二 | 4.6.13

[ 时间:2013-06-04 19:33:51 | 作者:Huang Qi | 来源:64tianwang ]

2013-05-26  21:53:02  Author:Huang Qi  Translator:Esther  Sources:64tianwang

〖From Hu Bei2013-05-26〗Jin Hanqin,a woman from Shi Yan,Hu Bei,called the humanitarian affaires center of 64tianwang at 21:50.She told that according to the munites of the Hoon West County’s confidential session,crush the petitioners down is not an individual delinquency.

According to her,Wu Chuandong the director of the office of the county said in the leadership reception room,the first floor of Bureau for letters and calls:I can recite all the minutes of the county’s meeting that have been decided by the standing committee:the Bureau of Land and House have the right to withdraw by force the houses witch do not suit the low-cost housing conditions,and to suspend all the charges except the subsistence allowances;we have submitted a report to the city and the province,you’ll be crushed down directly if you continue petitioning.It’s not an individual delinquency but a corporate crime if we have to detain you.As for the minutes of the meeting,we won’t hand it over to you as the secret document.

Jin also said that Wu Chuandong has done what he has said,and their lives are in the standing committee of the county’s decider’s hands.
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